Questions about The Discovery Tree Academy®

How should I dress my child to go to school (preschool / childcare)?

Dress your child in comfortable, washable play clothes that will allow your child to enjoy play indoors and outdoors. Please take into consideration the current weather conditions, as well as the unexpected changes in the weather that may cause a necessary change of clothing.

Tennis shoes or other closed-toed shoes must be worn at all times; flip flops, sandals, or open-toed shoes are not permitted.

In order to keep your child happy, safe, healthy, clean and comfortable while in our care, please bring two full changes of clothing for your child. Accidents and spills can happen at any age. Please place your child’s first and last name in permanent ink on each article of clothing and all other personal items you bring to school (preschool / childcare).

My child has never attended a childcare center. How will I be assured that my child will be ok?

The most important task at hand is to make sure your child is confortable. We do this at the beginning and at the end of their days by greeting at daily schedule arrival and departure times.

We will invite your child to come with you and visit before your child’s first day. By doing this you will be able to ensure that your child understands what to expect in our school ( preschool / childcare ) and classroom, so the fear of the unknown disappears. You will also have the opportunity to observe how your child interacts with other children and how easy he/she will get involved in play.

The teacher (or you, in case that your child is upset) will explain to your child what they will be doing in the classroom during the day, and who will pick them up. Predictability minimizes anxiety for children.

At The Discovery Tree we try our best to greet each child, so children feel welcome in the classroom and a great tone is set for the whole day. Teachers will offer pleasant greeting to your child and give interesting play options upon arrival to help with the transition from home to school ( preschool / childcare ).

We will advice to you not to rush in the morning. Remember that greeting time in early childhood provides the time needed for you and teachers to share required information about your child. Also remember that if you exchange a friendly conversation with the teacher while smiling, it will show your child that his/her teacher is a safe person that the parent likes and trusts. Similarly, pleasant, organized parent departures help children keep engage in their activity in the classroom.

It is very important that your child understand that you will leave and come back later. You will say goodbye to your child. This is an opportunity for your child to learn to separate. It is confusing and upsetting for a child to find out that their parent is not around. Let the child see that you will leave and return. Your child will soon realize that you are not leaving forever.

Since this is a sensitive period developmentally, some children will have extreme difficulties at first. For these parents, we will suggest that they say goodbye and wait in the car, and we will come and get them if we cannot calm their child. We will invite parents to bring their child to The Discovery Tree several times before they leave their child. We will have the parent stay in the room in sight, then have the parent leave the room for short periods of time. Repeating this process over several visits may help reassure and calm a child considerably.

We will also suggest that parents bring an object from home that helps their child feel secure while the parent is away. We will also ask parents for some activities that they do at home that may interest the child and make him/her feel at home.

When a child experiences separation anxiety, many parents blame themselves. Feelings of guilt and failure are quite common. However, remember that your child’s intense reaction could be a measure of how secure a child feels. The child experiences anxiety because he or she is very attached to Mom or Dad or other loved ones. (In our experiences, we have seen that securely attached children, when eased into new situations, tend to become independent more quickly than those without a strong attachment.) We will always promote developing a strong bond with your child so you can help him/her ease his/her anxiety.

How do I know if the school ( preschool / childcare ) has a learning atmosphere?

Look for children’s artwork in the hallway or in the classroom. Most of them should be displayed at your child’s eye level. Ask the Director if the artworks are relevant and intentionally related to a current theme or topic being explored in any area of the curriculum that amaze your child.

Look for a variety of activities simultaneously available for children choices.

Look for suitable space to use materials, such as an open area for music-making and movement activities, a flat rug area for block building, an easel for art materials, a table for puzzles and other fine motor activities, a cozy area for quiet reading, an area for an-easy-to-clean floor for messy play, such as finger painting, sand play, and discovery table.

Look for different types of more specialized furniture in the learning environment: easels, writing centers, computer desk, cozy reading area, discovery table, which are very important because they will provide your children with varied opportunities to learn, explore, and discover.

My child is shy, how will the Teacher help him/her to communicate and interact with others in class?

At The Discovery Tree language is used by teachers in many ways throughout the day, including to comfort, inform, direct, socialize, protect, converse, negotiate, question, anticipate, and recall. For relatively short periods, usually at circle time or in a group setting, teachers have a formal plan that guides the language they use. But in reality, most of the language stimulation provided by teachers to the children throughout the day occurs informally, in response to situations that arise spontaneously. However, your child will be stimulated in different ways using language informally (open ended questions about the story of the day or asking your child if she can explain a friend how she build her car…) so your child can be involved in the social and intellectual climate of the classroom and open up little by little.

My child is three years old and not fully potty trained. Will the teachers assist my child during potty time or if he/she has an accident?

The Director will have an interview with you before your child starts. Make sure you mention this issue to her. The first thing that you will be asked is about the readiness of your child to be potty train.

Before we begin your child’s potty training, make sure your child should show the following signs of potty training readiness:

  • Expresses an interest in the potty
  • Express the need to go potty (verbally or through body language)
  • Able to dress and undress
  • Uncomfortable in wet diapers
  • Stays dry for two hours
  • Imitates family members
  • Interested in big kid underwear
  • Has regular bowel movements.

When your child starts in the young three years old classroom, he/she will probably notice that there are other children around who wear cotton underwear and use the potty. This kind of light peer pressure can motivate your child to want to use the potty.

You can help us at home by educating yourself through the use of a potty training book or video. Be sure to tell us that you are beginning the potty training process. First, we will be watching your child for signs of potty training readiness and answering questions from your child. Then, we will discuss with you our potty train plan and share with you some useful tips and trick, so we can make sure our potty training methods are similar.

Is my child allowed to bring toys from home?

Do not allow your child to bring valuables to school (preschool / childcare) that you or your child treasure such as books, jewelry, or toys from home. Please help your child understand why it is not wise to bring these items or other objects to school (preschool / childcare), Electronic devices are not permitted. The Discovery Tree Academy® is not responsible for lost or broken items that you allow your child to bring to school (preschool / childcare).

Your child will be able to bring an item from home on special occasions such as “show and tell”. Please do not allow your child to bring any items from home that may promote hostile behavior such as pretend swards, knives, and guns. Please write your child’s full name with a permanent maker on each item that he brings to the school (preschool / childcare).

How should I dress my child to go to school (preschool / childcare)?

Dress your child in comfortable, washable play clothes that will allow your child to enjoy play indoors and outdoors. Please take into consideration the current weather conditions, as well as the unexpected changes in the weather that may cause a necessary change of clothing.

Tennis shoes or other closed-toed shoes must be worn at all times; flip flops, sandals, or open-toed shoes are not permitted.

In order to keep your child happy, safe, healthy, clean and comfortable while in our care, please bring two full changes of clothing for your child. Accidents and spills can happen at any age. Please place your child’s first and last name in permanent ink on each article of clothing and all other personal items you bring to school (preschool / childcare).

My child has never attended a childcare center. How will I be assured that my child will be ok?

The most important task at hand is to make sure your child is confortable. We do this at the beginning and at the end of their days by greeting at daily schedule arrival and departure times.

We will invite your child to come with you and visit before your child’s first day. By doing this you will be able to ensure that your child understands what to expect in our school ( preschool / childcare ) and classroom, so the fear of the unknown disappears. You will also have the opportunity to observe how your child interacts with other children and how easy he/she will get involved in play.

The teacher (or you, in case that your child is upset) will explain to your child what they will be doing in the classroom during the day, and who will pick them up. Predictability minimizes anxiety for children.

At The Discovery Tree we try our best to greet each child, so children feel welcome in the classroom and a great tone is set for the whole day. Teachers will offer pleasant greeting to your child and give interesting play options upon arrival to help with the transition from home to school ( preschool / childcare ).

We will advice to you not to rush in the morning. Remember that greeting time in early childhood provides the time needed for you and teachers to share required information about your child. Also remember that if you exchange a friendly conversation with the teacher while smiling, it will show your child that his/her teacher is a safe person that the parent likes and trusts. Similarly, pleasant, organized parent departures help children keep engage in their activity in the classroom.

It is very important that your child understand that you will leave and come back later. You will say goodbye to your child. This is an opportunity for your child to learn to separate. It is confusing and upsetting for a child to find out that their parent is not around. Let the child see that you will leave and return. Your child will soon realize that you are not leaving forever.

Since this is a sensitive period developmentally, some children will have extreme difficulties at first. For these parents, we will suggest that they say goodbye and wait in the car, and we will come and get them if we cannot calm their child. We will invite parents to bring their child to The Discovery Tree several times before they leave their child. We will have the parent stay in the room in sight, then have the parent leave the room for short periods of time. Repeating this process over several visits may help reassure and calm a child considerably.

We will also suggest that parents bring an object from home that helps their child feel secure while the parent is away. We will also ask parents for some activities that they do at home that may interest the child and make him/her feel at home.

When a child experiences separation anxiety, many parents blame themselves. Feelings of guilt and failure are quite common. However, remember that your child’s intense reaction could be a measure of how secure a child feels. The child experiences anxiety because he or she is very attached to Mom or Dad or other loved ones. (In our experiences, we have seen that securely attached children, when eased into new situations, tend to become independent more quickly than those without a strong attachment.) We will always promote developing a strong bond with your child so you can help him/her ease his/her anxiety.

My child has a special need. Will The Discovery Tree Academy® be able to accommodate my child’s needs?

The Discovery Tree Academy® acts in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and other applicable federal, state, or local laws pertaining to the provisions of services to children with disabilities. Our goal is to meet the individual needs of the child within the structure of our program, while maintaining a healthy and safe environment for all the children and staff. We will make reasonable accommodations to afford children with disabilities full and equal enjoyment of our programs and services in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs. We will make no assumptions concerning any individual’s abilities or disabilities and will make an individual assessment to determine if we can meet each child’s needs in our group child care setting.

If the parent/guardian of a child identifies a special need, the Director and the parent will meet to review the care requirements of the child. The Discovery Tree Academy® cannot accommodate children medically fragile that require medical procedures. When necessary, a copy of the IEP may be requested by the staff and management of The Discovery Tree Academy®.

Can my child attend the center if he/she is not a United States citizen or a nationality other than American?

The Discovery Tree Academy® provides an environment that is free from unlawful discrimination of any type, including discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, color, age, sex, disability, veteran status, or any other characteristics protected by law. This policy governs all aspects of our academy’s operations.

I have a flexible rotating work schedule. Will you be able to provide services according to my schedule?

We are open Monday through Friday from 6:30 am until 6:30 pm. We are only closed in observance of these holidays each year: New Years Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving Day & Friday after, Independence Day, Christmas Day. We will close early (Time TBD) on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve.

If any of the above observed holidays fall on a Saturday, we will be closed the preceding Friday. If any observed holidays fall on a Sunday, we will be closed the following Monday.

No allowances, credits, refunds, or make-up days shall be made for holiday closings. Tuition must still be paid in full.

Emergency closings and inclement weather closings: Our goal is to remain open and provide services every weekday of the year, excluding holidays. However, there are situations beyond our control such as inclement weather, natural/national disasters, or major building issues that may disrupt services from time to time. The Discovery Tree Academy® will close on any days that the local public school ( preschool / childcare ) system closes for an emergency or natural/national disaster. Please call the academy to ensure that it is open during any situation of concern. In the event of an emergency closing, we will do our best to notify the local news stations so that you can determine the status of the school ( preschool / childcare ). In the event that the school ( preschool / childcare ) closes after you have dropped off your child, you or your designated emergency contacts will be notified so that you can make arrangements to pick up your child.

Will my child be prepared to meet or exceed the Kindergarten Readiness Standards prior to entering Kindergarten?

There are many steps we take to make sure your child is ready for Kindergarten. Our unique program combine:

  • Hiring the best “Teachers”,
  • Using the best possible combination of great curriculums (The Creative Curriculum combine with ELLM Plus literacy based curriculum)
  • Have a great environment for learning to ensure that each child is on the right path to a journey of lifelong learning.
  • Assessing them and preparing appropriate lesson plans with activities that develop specific skills, so your child can be ready for kindergarten.

Will my school-age child participate in field trips?

Transportation to and from school ( preschool / childcare ) and on field trips do take place for children 4 years of age and older and 40 pounds or more. We will ensure that we have signed permission from you to transport your child to and from school ( preschool / childcare ) and on field trips. All loading and unloading procedures will be followed. We will keep an accurate list of all children being transported. Emergency medical transport and treatment authorization forms for each child will be available if needed.

Each vehicle will have a fire extinguisher approved by state or local fire marshal, secured in the bus and accessible to all adult occupants. Management is capable of communicating with drivers if needed through a communication devise.

All staff members that transport children have CPR and First Aid.

Field trips start and end at the school ( preschool / childcare ). You may not drop off your child at the field trip site and we will not release your child to you while on a field trip; all children must return to the school ( preschool / childcare ) before being released to their parents.

School-age children may attend public swimming facilities as a part of the summer activity program. We follow all state guidelines and regulations in relation to water activities and ensuring the safety of the children.

Will my school-age child do home work?

Our school age program is intended to compliment their school day. Children are given opportunities to work on homework, read, design, implement and evaluate group projects and activities, socialize with friends, perform, create and enjoy outdoor activities.

How will my child transition to the next classroom when the times come?

When your child is ready to move to a new classroom, we will do all we can to make this transition a smooth and successful one. We will notify you when we feel your child is ready to move. The move will always be a collaborative decision among parents, teachers, and management.

Will my child have a class pet or have the opportunity to interact with a pet at school ( preschool / childcare )?

Your child may have a class pet or have the opportunity to interact with a pet or animal as part of specialized programming. We encourage good hygiene and hand washing after handling or coming into contact with an animal and items used by animals, such as water and food bowls, and cages. Please notify us if your child has an allergy to certain types of animals.

Does the school ( preschool / childcare ) allow my child to celebrate holidays and birthdays while at school ( preschool / childcare )?

We love to celebrate holidays and birthdays! This is a meaningful and fun experience for children, families, and teachers. Holidays are a reflection of the cultural and ethnic diversity of our families and are an opportunity for children to learn about each other. We encourage families to share their own traditions as a wonderful benefit to their children, and a great way to become involved in the classroom. We ensure that the holiday experiences are developmentally appropriate for the children and reflect the diversity of the families in our programs as well as meaningful to the interests of the children.

Your child’s birthday is a special day to him or her as well as for us. We enjoy making your child feel extra special as often as we can. We encourage you to bring nutritious birthday treats that are purchased from a licensed food provider or non-food treats. Please notify your child’s teacher and Center Director of any birthday celebration at least one week in advance. Please remember The Discovery Tree Academy® school ( preschool / childcare )s are Free Peanut.

If the staff looks busy, how do I know teachers are patient, loving and responsive?

Ask yourself the following question: what will you do with more than 5 toddlers or older for more than an hour? Normally, anybody that is not an early childhood teacher will not be able to handle 1 or more toddlers after an hour and if so, that person will be consider very patient.

Loving not always means being kissed or hugged. Soft tone of voice, assertive answers, respect and give the child as much attention as needed throughout the day possible, prize to children’s jobs well done, does mean the world to our little ones.

Teachers are responsive when they react quickly and positively to any circumstances in the classroom. It is difficult to observe in just a quick tour.

Are you providing formula to my child or do I have to bring it? Are you providing baby food?

We will provide: Iron fortified formula, Jar baby food and cereal, When on table food: breakfast, lunch and snack at scheduled according to our posted menu.

The Discovery Tree Academy® participates in the Child Care Food Program (CACFP). The program provides support to licensed childcare programs to provide high quality, nutritious, and appealing meals and snacks to infants and children in our care. The CACFP strives to give children a healthy foundation they will need to make good healthy eating choices and make good nutrition a part of their daily lives.

How often will you feed my baby?

We will follow the schedule that you have provided to us in order to meet your infant’s needs at home and at school (preschool / childcare).

How often will you change my baby’s diaper?

We will change your infant’s diaper every time needed. We will also check your baby every 2 hours to make sure your child is dry.

Will my child’s clothes get changed if he/she soils their clothes?

We will change your child clothes and your child’s bed every time it gets wet.

What am I required to bring daily for my infant?

You will provide disposable diapers and baby wipes to accommodate your child’s needs. We require the use of disposable diapers. All items need to be replenished as needed. Any ointments or topical products to be used must be labeled with the child’s full name and you will ask the Director for the appropriate authorization form. Please make sure each diaper have your child’s initials on it.
  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • 2 crib sheets.
  • 1 light blanket
  • 3 changes of clothing
  • Sweater or jacket to accommodate indoor/outdoor temperature changes.
  • Enough labeled bottles for the day’s feedings. (If using breast milk or formula from home, you must prepare the bottles in advance and label the bottle with child’s full name, date, and contents).
  • 3 Bibs
  • 3 Burp clothes

Will my baby have the opportunity to nap as needed according to his/her sleep pattern?

Infants will sleep on-demand, according to their own needs.

How will my baby be placed in the crib for nap?

In accordance with the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics, we place infants on their backs to sleep in cribs with no, pillows, or wedges of any kind. Infants nap in assigned cribs according to their individual schedule. If you request that your infant sleep in a different position other than on his or her back, a physician’s note that explains why your baby cannot use a back sleeping position is required.

Is my baby playing with specific age-appropriate toys to develop skills intentionally?

We follow lesson plans based on “Foundations” curriculum, so we will give your baby specific age-appropriate toys to develop specific skills each time of the day, every day.

We also plan specific activities with your baby in order to cover specific development standards designed to help your child reach and meet the appropriate developmental milestones each day.

Will my child get sick because of the other children?

The Discovery Tree Academy® has a commitment to a clean and healthy environment and we take the necessary precautionary steps to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Our schools ( preschool / childcare ) are designed to be easily cleaned and maintained with the highest standards of cleanliness. We have installed an “air return system” in each classroom. This system will help remove dust and odors in the air. Toys in the classrooms are sanitized and disinfected on a daily schedule.

Toys are sanitized, as children mouth the toys. Tabletops are disinfected daily, including before and after meal and snack times. Bathrooms are sanitized and disinfected on a daily schedule.

We promote cleanliness and good hygiene with children on a regular basis. Frequent hand washing is practiced by all staff and children, and is always required before eating, after toileting, before/after sensory play and after outdoor play.

If your child or any sibling has a communicable disease, it should be informed to the school ( preschool / childcare ) immediately, so we can take the necessary precautions. We will take necessary measures to protect your child’s confidentiality, and will only share the information relating to the disease with those that need to know.

All children’s immunizations must be up-to-date before being admitted to our academy. This applies to children from birth through school-age. Acceptable documentation for records of immunizations must be validated by a physician or other health-care professional with a signature or rubber stamp, and include your child’s date of birth and full name, the number of doses and vaccine type, the month, day, and year the child received each vaccination. Validated proof of immunizations should be submitted as your child receives new immunizations or booster shots. State licensing regulations will be strictly adhered to by the academy. Failure to abide by the immunization requirements may affect your child’s enrollment.

You have the right to waive immunizations. To do so, a written statement (or state required from) must be provided to us indicating the religious, cultural, or medical reasons surrounding the waiver.

What happens if my child is sick?

If we observe your child developing symptoms of illness during the day we will isolate him or her from the other children and call you to pick up your child. We understand the difficulties this may cause but we do ask that you or a person from your emergency contacts is at the school ( preschool / childcare ) to pick up your child with in an hour.

What is the school’s illness return policy for my child?

For the health and well-being of your child and others, your child must be kept home if he or she develops any of the following symptoms of contagious disease until the child is symptom free for twenty-four hours or the child’s physician indicates, in writing, that a child can return to the school ( preschool / childcare ) (unless otherwise directed by the local health department):


  • Appears to be severely ill lethargy, lack of responsiveness, irritability, persistent crying, difficult breathing, or having a quick spreading rash.
  • A fever above 101 F orally or 100 F or higher taken axillary.
  • Diarrhea
  • Blood or mucus in the stool not explained by dietary change.
  • Vomiting
  • Persistent abdominal pain or intermittent abdominal pain associated with fever, dehydration, or other signs or symptoms of illness.
  • Mouth sores with drooling.
  • Rash with fever or behavioral changes.
  • Head lice or nits.
  • Strep throat or other strep infections.
  • Scabies
  • Chickenpox
  • Impetigo
  • Pertussis (whooping cough) (we will follow the local health department directions).
  • Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (we will follow the local health department directions).
  • Tuberculosis (we will follow the local health department directions).
  • Hepatitis A virus infection (we will follow the local health department directions).
  • Any child determined by the local health department to be contributing to the transmission of illness during an outbreak.
  • Eye discharge or signs of conjunctivitis.
  • Unusually dark urine or white stool.
  • Stiff neck.
  • Untreated infected skin patches.

After your child has been ill, it is important to adhere to the following guidelines when determining whether or not your child is ready to return to The Discovery Tree Academy®:

  • Mood, appetite, behavior and activity are again normal.
  • No fever for 24 hours or more.
  • Antibiotics (if prescribed) have been used for a full 24 hours (48 if strep throat).
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, cleared for 24 hours.
  • Frequent coughing, excessive nasal discharge resolved.
  • Pain (earache, cramps, headache, etc.) resolved.

Children returned to the academy with signs of illness or disease will be refused admittance. Re-admittance to The Discovery Tree Academy® is allowed after 24 hours of normal axillaries’ temperature (below 99) and or no other signs of illness for 24 hours, or by a doctor’s signed statement. In the case of a parasitic infestation, a child is readmitted when all evidence of the infestation is gone. The Director will review the case before your child can enter the classroom.

On occasion, if a health concern persists, the Director may request your child to be seen by a physician prior to returning to the center.

If my child has a prescribed medication, will the school ( preschool / childcare ) administer it as directed?

Medication may be provided to your child while in our care in accordance with our policies, as well as state regulations. YOU MUST: Give all medications to a member of management, not the staff in the classroom. You must complete a “Permission to Administer Medication” form. MEDICATIONS MUST: Be in the original container; Must be labeled with the child’s full name and prescription date; Include directions to administer the medication; Include the name of the physician prescribing the medication along with the prescription number if applicable; May not be expired.

Once a designated The Discovery Tree Academy® employee has administered the medication, they will record the required information on the “Permission To Administer Medication” form.

Remember that it is a courtesy that we administer medication, not mandatory. All medications are stored in a locked area that is inaccessible to children. Medications are not typically administered on field trips unless it is a life-threatening circumstance. No medications will be dispensed in a manner that is contrary to the label directions without a physician’s written instructions.

We have the right to refuse or discontinue administration of any product if an adverse reaction results, the product expires, the child is ill or injured, the product can be administered at home before care or after, the “Permission to Administer Medication” form is incomplete, or for any other reason if, in management’s opinion, it is in the best interest of the child.

Will you serve breakfast? Would you serve snack?

  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Snack

All above at scheduled according to posted menu.

The Discovery Tree Academy® participates in the Child Care Food Program (CACFP). The program provides support to licensed childcare programs to provide high quality, nutritious, and appealing meals and snacks to infants and children in our care. The CACFP strives to give children a healthy foundation they will need to make good healthy eating choices and make good nutrition a part of their daily lives.

How will I know what my child will be eating for lunch?

Our menus are posted in the lobby as well as in your child’s classroom. There may be times when we must substitute one food for another, while maintaining the nutritional content of the overall menu. Substitutions will be posted in order to keep you informed of what has been served.

Meals at our academy are served family style, which may include children assisting in table setting, serving, and cleaning up. Menus include foods, which meet daily nutritional needs, as well as State licensing requirements.

If your child comes to eat all the meals serve at the center, your child will get all diet requirements from milk, vegetables, fruits, meats and grains of the day.

We serve fresh products and products that show the labels approved by USDA for children only. No trans-fat and high fructose corn syrup is in any of our meals. Our cooking methods are: baking and boiling only. No frying is allowed. Right portions depending of children ages are served.

What if my child is a picky eater?

We encourage children to sample new foods and to taste what is being served. Most of the time, toddlers will copy their friends and you will be amazed how great your child will eat at the school ( preschool / childcare ).

It is important to let you know that we cannot require children to eat or in any way punish them if they choose not to eat all foods served. We will tell what your child actually eats every day, so you can try different foods at home to complement whatever your child missed at our school ( preschool / childcare ).

Make sure your child has a healthy breakfast prior to arriving to school ( preschool / childcare ) if you child is going to miss the breakfast that is provided.

We do not allow food from home to be brought into the academy. Any exceptions must be discussed with the Director. If there are religious reasons, special dietary needs, or severe allergy concerns that would prohibit your child from eating what we are serving, you will discuss these details with the Director. The Discovery Tree Academy® is a Free Peanut Zone.

My child has allergies, what should I do?

Please notify us immediately when you learn that your child has allergies. If a child requires medication for a life-threatening allergic reaction (i.e. bee stings), the child’s prescription may be kept at the school ( preschool / childcare ) and administered when necessary. If your child suffers from allergies, please contact your Director, who can provide you with additional information.

My child just turned one, will my child be able to sleep on a mat/cot?

Your child will be provided a mat/cot daily. You will be happily surprised how quickly toddlers just turning one will fall asleep on their mat/cot, not missing their cribs.

Teachers will make sure your child have lots of fun, have a nice lunch, dry diaper and become pleasantly tired before nap time, so your child has a good rest. Relaxing music, warm low light, nice temperature, cozy blanket and maybe his/her favorite toy if needed.

Will my child need any items for nap-time?

You will provide a fitted crib sheet and a small blanket for your child’s mat as well as for his/hers comfort. We ask that you avoid oversized pillows and blankets due to storage space in our classrooms. You will take your child’s sheet and blanket home on the last day of attendance for the week to be laundered. If your child becomes ill, you will also be required to take the sheet and blanket home and launder before returning it to school ( preschool / childcare ). The Florida Department of Children and Families requires your child’s mat is covered. If your child does not have these nap items, you will be notified to bring these items before naptime begins that day. Children are NOT permitted to share these items for any reason.

My child is use to taking a half hour nap during mid morning and again around lunch-time. What type of nap schedule will my child have?

Your child will sleep or rest according to the daily schedule that is incorporated into the day of balanced activities and quiet play.

We can assure you your child will get plenty of rest. However, your child will experience a transition time where he/she will fall a sleep at the table before lunch and also on the way home.

Normally, children are so excited with new friends and activities that they will pass their mid morning naptime without complaining. Their problem will be at lunch. After changing diapers, washing hands and getting ready to eat, they suddenly become so tired and they can hardly make it and fall asleep at the table. However, after few days, they get use to the new routines, so it is not a problem that we face in toddler classrooms.

Do Teachers help me with potty training?

This growth period is a natural progression of independence. Toileting training will be one of the most important missions accomplished in our toddler twos classroom. Teachers will work learning activities along with potty visits and constant reminders. Piers recognition and toy prizes will be given for accomplishments.

Potty accidents, which will happen frequently before your child master this complex task, are treated respectfully. You will bring pull ups, wipes, and at least three full changes of clothing, including underwear, pants, shirts, socks, and an extra pair of shoes. If your child has an accident, Teachers will assist your child with the changing of clothes and motivate them and keep reminding about visiting the potty.

Will my toddler play with specific age-appropriate toys to develop skills intentionally?

We follow lesson plans based on “Foundations” curriculum, so we will give your toddler specific age-appropriate toys to develop specifics skills each time of the day, every day.

Teachers will also follow lesson plans with plenty activities for your toddler to be exposed to endless fun activities intentionally instructed for your child to develop age-appropriate skills and developmental milestones.

How do I know if the furniture and the toys are age-appropriate?

Our furniture is age appropriate furniture because they are the right size for the age of the children in the classroom and because they are the right selection of furniture that supports children’s independence in meeting their routine care needs and in conducting their play and learning activities.

At The Discovery Tree, there is more than enough tables and chairs, shelves; cots/mats to meet each child’s routine care needs. Our shelves are open, uncluttered, making materials accessible to children, low enough for them to easily reach toys.

Chairs are also the right sizes. In each classroom, toddlers twos, preschoolers and school age children’s feet are able to touch the floor, while they are seated. Tables are child-sized because are an appropriate height so that children can rest their elbows on the top of the table, while their legs fit comfortably underneath the table.

Their mats or cots are long enough to fit their bodies; and toilets and sinks are the right size for toddlers and preschool age.

Infants and one year old children may or may not have their feet on the floor when sitting due to the fact that most of the available toddler chairs are 7” or taller. The Discovery Tree Academy® counts with chairs 5” available for little ones. Ask the Director if your child needs one.

Are the classrooms set up to provide a fun environment for learning?

Very important and fun material will be display in your child’s classroom such as word wall, with pictures and words related to the story of the week; pictures of evidence of learning, science posters with interesting frogs or bugs, cute family pictures, among others.

At The Discovery Tree your child will enjoy looking with great interest at his/her artwork, which will be displayed at your child’s eye level and personally relevant to your child because it will be intentionally related to a current theme or topic being explore in any area of the curriculum that amaze your child.

Your child will have lot of learning while having fun. A variety of activities simultaneously are available for your child so she/he can have choices. Our classrooms are designed to have suitable space to use materials, such as an open area for music-making and movement activities, a flat rug area for block building, an easel for art materials, a table for puzzles and other fine motor activities, a cozy area for quiet reading, an area near water on an-easy-to-clean floor for messy play, such as finger painting, sand play, and discovery table.

At The Discovery Tree your child will find different type of more specialized furniture in the learning environment, which is very important because it will provide your children with varied opportunities to learn, explore, and discover.

The selection of specific age appropriate furniture and the way the furniture is arranged in the classroom allow Children at The Discovery Tree classrooms be able to handle their surroundings, feeling competent and secure. Also, Teachers at The Discovery Tree can make the best use of their time and energy to reach each child development goal while having fun because of the set up of the classrooms, the right and great furniture and the quality and appropriate learning toys.

Do classroom learning centers include: quiet, reading, creative, music, dramatic play, problem solving, math and engineering?

Because the arrangement of the space used by children in a classroom affects how well teachers will supervise them to protect their health and safety, as well as to enhance their learning, at The Discovery Tree classrooms, our furniture and materials are intentionally placed and functionally organized.

Your child will not waste time looking for toys that goes together. Your child will be able to become involved in meaningful sustained play pretty easy at The Discovery Tree classroom.

Our classrooms offer many hands-on activities organized in a number of interested centers. Our Learning Centers are carefully thought out with age appropriate materials needed to compliment as well as enhance the use of the curriculum. Some of the classroom centers that you will find are: language and literacy (reading & quiet), math, science (discovery and exploration), music and movement, blocks, transportation and construction (engineering), manipulative, dramatic and pretend play, art and free expression.

What are age-appropriate learning practices in a toddler classroom?

Age appropriate learning practices for toddlers are those who are focused on relationships, senses/perceptions, movement and language. If your child’s teacher follows the curriculum “Foundations for Success Infant/Toddler Model” or meet Florida Birth to Three Learning and Developmental Standards and meet the requirements of the Infant Toddler Environmental Rating Scale, they are teaching age appropriate learning practices for your toddler.

What are age-appropriate learning practices in a preschool classroom?

Age appropriate learning practices for three to five are those who are focused on physical health, approaches to learning, social and emotional development, language and communication, emergent literacy, cognitive development and general knowledge, motor development. If your child’s teacher follows the curriculum “Early Literacy and learning Model/ Plus (ELLM PLUS) or follow the requirements of the Sunshine State Standards, Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Standards, Florida School ( preschool / childcare ) Readiness Performance Standards, and Head Start Performance Standards, they are teaching age appropriate learning practices for your three-five years old child.

Do Teachers follow the same daily schedule every day?

Routines and repetition are very important in early childhood, so your child will be following the schedule every day. Circle time, art time, manipulative/construction play, out door play, lunch, nap time, snack time, music and movement time, reading time, among others will be performed every day around the same time.

Routines do not mean same activities every day. Teachers will introduce different theme accordingly to “Foundations” or “ELLM Plus” depending on your child’s age. They will plan fun activities that are different every day and they will explore them consistently each week until the majority of the group grasp the concept and develop the skills.

Do Toddler Teachers follow lesson plans that are age- appropriate? Do Three-Five years old teachers follow lesson plans that are age-appropriate?

Toddler Teachers will introduce different themes accordingly to “Foundations”. They will plan fun activities that are different every day and they will explore them consistently each week until the majority of the group grasp the concept and develop the skills.

Preschool ( preschool / childcare ) Teachers will introduce different theme accordingly to “ELLM Plus”. They will plan fun activities that are different every day and they will explore them consistently each week until the majority of the group grasp the concept and develop the skills.

Do Teachers receive professional development training?

At The Discovery Tree Academy® our Directors at our school ( preschool / childcare )s have degrees in Early Childhood Education. They are the leaders in Education and are expected to continue their education as well as encourage the further education of our team members.

100% of Lead Teachers have DCF Staff Credential on file documenting CDA/CDAE or higher education.

100% of Assistant Teachers have a HS diploma, have completed or are studying the 40 hours DCF mandated training and the 5 hours Early Literacy course.

All staff complete 10 hours of annual in-service training and lead teachers complete 30 hours of annual in-service training tied to their professional development plan.

Do Teachers treat each child as an individual; encouraging them to explore and discover their personalities?

We want each child to have several successful experiences each day in order to allow him or her to gain a positive self-image and to make certain that he or she has a lifelong love of learning. Our program is designed to encourage each child to explore and discover in his/her own way to attain his/her full learning potential and to approach learning with excitement, enthusiasm and persistence.

Do students have access to outdoor play on a daily basis (weather permitting)?

Outdoor play is an essential part of your child’s day. Children who are well enough to attend school ( preschool / childcare ) must be well enough to participate in all activities, including outdoor play. All children will enjoy outdoor activities at least once daily, weather permitting. We will monitor the weather throughout the day to ensure the safety of the children. Make ensure your child has adequate clothing for all weather conditions warm and cold. Always remember to remove all strings from hoods and hats.

Do Teachers follow age-appropriate practices/guidelines?

Our program will provide a quality early childhood education with developmentally appropriate activities, educationally enriched environments and responsive teacher-child interactions.

Do Teachers have access to advanced curriculum planning?

Our program is based on the Creative Curriculum, complemented by our emphasis on literacy with the use of the “ELLM PLUS” Curricula for our school ( preschool / childcare ) and prekindergarten program as well as “Foundations for Success” Curricula for our infant and toddler programs. What makes our programs unique is the combination of the curriculums mentions above along with our The Discovery Tree Academy® team best practices align with Florida Birth to Three Learning and Developmental Standards, the requirements of the Infant Toddler Environmental Rating Scale, Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, Sunshine State Standards, Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Standards, Florida School, Readiness Performance Standards, and Head Start Performance Standards.

Are there skill development activities through small/large and individual/group daily?

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At The Discovery Tree, Instructional routines for threes, fours and fives year old children supports the implementation of literacy and language through whole-group, small-group, and individual instruction.

During whole-group instruction concepts are presented or reinforced to ensure and/or extend learning for all children. Share experiences, like read-aloud and music and movement, also occur during whole-group time to create a community of learners. Whole-group is extended through guided practice at the small-group teaching table.

During small-group instruction teachers are able to monitor children’s progress and address the individual needs of children as they converse about and interact with words and concepts. Children practice using concepts and information independently as they work and play together in learning centers.

Teachers reinforce children’s knowledge and skill development throughout the day using systematic, explicit, and purposeful activities as well as simple and complex language.

In our toddler classrooms, our teachers consider the characteristics of the children who will be participating in the small-group activity and tailor the experience so that it will be appropriate for the children.

Toddlers will play in group activities only when they are challenged by what is done, so they will be interested in the content of the activity and they would participate in a meaningful way; toddlers will be active (such as singing or dancing, pointing pictures in a book or talking about them); each will have close interaction with the teacher and will not wait long periods of time for individual attention.

Our toddler teachers are flexible and adjust the activity as children join or leave the group. Our teachers always have an alternative activity that allow children to choose if they do not wish to participate in group activity.

Appropriate individual learning experiences are taught at The Discovery Tree Academy®. Our teachers promote individual, hands-on, flexible, and self-directed activities that allow our students to develop abilities and skills to learn one on one too.

Do Teachers have access to child assessment tools?

All children are assessed at different times throughout the year. Assessments are done in all five areas of development: social and emotional, language (expressive and receptive), physical, approach to learning (cognitive), and fine motor (manipulative). One and two year old children are assessed one time a year using ASQ (Ages and Stages Questionnaires: A Parent-completed, child monitoring System Second Edition By Diane Bricker And Jane Squires); three year old children, twice a year using Creative Curriculum Assessment tool and/or the ELLM/PLUS Informal Assessment Guide for Classroom Teachers and Site-based Administrators; and four year old children (VPK) are assessed three times a year, September, January & May using VPK Assessment kit and VPK Assessment Online Reporting System. Parent conferences are held twice a year or on an as needed basis.

Do Teachers assess my child?

All children are assessed at different times throughout the year. Assessments are done in all five areas of development: social and emotional, language (expressive and receptive), physical, approach to learning (cognitive), and fine motor (manipulative). Toddlers are assessed one time a year. A mid school ( preschool / childcare ) year assessment will be performed to your toddler if needed.

Will the Director advise me on areas that my child may need further assistance in order to meet developmental milestones?

A monthly newsletter with important information such as child development issues, activities you can do at home with your child, and curriculum information will be sent to you.

Both the Director and your child’s teacher will provide information and advices to help you deal with behavior issues, find language/physical therapist (if needed) and will provide you with information about valuable resources available to help your child at the school ( preschool / childcare ) and at home.

Do Teachers prepare their lesson plans in conjunction with the assessments?

The result of the assessments will help teachers to gain information about children’s progress that can be used to plan future learning experiences and be shared with parents. Also, assessment results will help teachers to create learning-rich environments in their classrooms and guide them to choose different teaching strategies or ways in which children can develop weak skills.

It is very important to clarify that assessment tools are not designed to identify children with special needs, determine the effectiveness of the program, nor make high-stakes decisions about individual children.

If my child has a behavior concern, how will this be addressed?

Very often a child’s first recognition and first success in getting the attention of significant adults in their life is through misbehavior. This can also be true in a classroom environment.

The Discovery Tree Academy® emphasizes the importance of recognizing the positive behavior of a child and reinforcing this positive behavior through praise and recognition.

Our goal is to create an environment that teaches each child to seek recognition through positive behavior and begin engaged in the classroom with the teacher and the other children.

We focus on promoting positive self-esteem, self-discipline and emotional development. We assist in guiding each child toward good choices and decisions. When the behavior of a child disrupts the goals of the teacher and the classroom, The Discovery Tree Academy® team will redirect the child towards a more positive behavior.

If the inappropriate behavior continues it may be necessary to remove the child from the group and redirect to another area of the classroom. This will allow the child to gain control of their actions and reflect on their behavior. The duration of time in this area is equal to one minute per age of the child. When the child returns to the group, the teacher will discuss the child’s alternatives, forgive the child’s activities and look for an opportunity to praise the child for appropriate behavior.

Daily, weekly and monthly newsletter with important information such as child development issues, activities you can do at home with your child, and curriculum information will be sent to you.

Behavior that is consistent in nature will be brought to the attention of the parents so that The Discovery Tree Academy® and the parents can work cooperatively to create a behavior modification program that can be used in the facility as well as at home. Both the Director and your child’s teacher will provide information about valuable resources available and advices to help you and your child deal with behavior issues normally cause by development delays (language/physical) or family circumstances.

Continue behavior issues, severe enough to endanger the welfare and safety of other children and/or staff, will be brought to the attention of the parent immediately by the Director. At this time, the Director will advise the parent that their child will be temporarily dis-enrolled until the behavior ceases. This action will be the last resort when first attempts to correct this behavior have been exhausted. This behavior will be preceded by verbal and written communication to the parent and whenever possible. If this occurs, the parent will be given one-week notice before termination of the program.

What steps will the teachers take to avoid biting in the classroom?

At the first sign of biting, we evaluate the environment and activities at the time of the bite. If warranted, adjustments in the environment, routines, or the transitions in the classroom may be made. If a bite occurs, the teacher will first attend to the bitten child by comforting the child and gently cleaning the bitten area with soap and water. Teachers will complete and incident report for the bitten child. The child who has bitten will be removed from the immediate area and closely supervised for a period of time after the incident. We will complete an incident report for the child who has bitten and discuss the incident with the child’s parents.

For children who continue to bite, more specific intervention will be put in place, including a conference with the family and the creation of a behavioral plan. Staff cannot discuss with either parent the identity of the other child involved in the incident, nor can staff discuss the medical history of any child involved in a biting incident with the other parent.

What is your procedure when my child falls?

We will check if your child is ok, if there is red skin, scars, bruise or visible pain.

If needed, first aid will be administered on site and you will be contacted. Teachers will write an Incident/Accident Report and you will be asked to sign it when you pick up your child.

If your child hits his/her head, you will be contacted even though there is no change in behavior or pain, to let you know about the accident. Then, you would decide if you would like your child to stay at the school ( preschool / childcare ), to take your child home or to the doctor.

What happens when a medical emergency arises?

If a medical emergency arises, resulting from either a serious accident or some other cause, we, the The Discovery Tree Academy® team, will follow the following actions:

First aid will be administered on site and you will be contacted. If you are not available, the emergency contact person on the “Emergency Medical and Transportation Authorization” will be notified. When necessary, Emergency 911 will be called.

A member of our team will accompany your child to the emergency Room. An incident/accident report will be completed and signed by the Center Director.

Is the staff properly certified in CPR and First Aid?

Our staff has CPR and First Aid certificates.

Are the teachers qualified to handle events such as fire and or inclement weather situations?

The Discovery Tree Academy® has regular fire and disaster drills at its facility. We urge each family to plan what you will do if disaster strikes during the day when you are separated at work, school ( preschool / childcare ), etc. You will find helpful disaster planning information in your phone book.

Our children are taught to listen to the teacher’s directions. We will assemble and count everyone and give aid and comfort as needed. We will stay with your child until you or your designee can get to the center. We have stored flashlights, radio, first-aid supplies, food and water. The center is required to have staff members trained in First Aid and CPR present at all times.

We urge parents and insist on keeping your contact information, emergency medical information and the authorization for medical treatment current.

What is the procedure if I need someone other than myself to pick my child up at the end of his/her day?

Our academy is equipped with a security entry system to protect the children in our care. This system allows only those people with access into the building. You will be given free access to the academy during business hours. You will choose an access code for yourself as well as your emergency contacts as well as instructions for entry. You will not allow anyone to follow in behind you. Each person must use their designated access code to enter the building. Kindness is a wonderful quality, but holding the door open for someone defeats the purpose of the security system. Remember: your child’s safety is very important to us. The only exception to using the pin code would be if you are a 3 hour only VPK parent. You will be given a sign in/out log during drop off and pick up (take out altogether everyone goes in the procure system). You will also have a designated pin code for times when you need to enter or exit the building.

Children will only be released to authorized individuals as stated by the parent/guardian in your enrollment paperwork. When an authorized individual does pick up your child, they must provide proper identification. We require any release authorizations to be given to management in writing prior to releasing your child to any persons who are not listed on your emergency contact list.

You must make every effort to pick up your child before closing time. If you are going to be late, please contact the academy immediately. A late fee will be assessed for arriving late to pick up your child after closing time. If we do not receive a call from you and are unable to reach your emergency contacts, we may be required to call local authorities to assist with the situation. The Discovery Tree Academy® personnel are not permitted to take your child home unless they are placed on your child’s emergency contact list in advance.

Please notify the center if you are going to arrive later than usual so that your child does not feel abandoned.

Anyone picking up a child must be at least 18 years of age unless the parent of the child is under the age of 18. This includes siblings.

Certified custody orders must be provided to management before your child is enrolled. Changes which occur in custody orders must be provided immediately, in writing, to management.


Will I be able to give you feed back?

The door of our Director’s office is always open for you. You will have an opportunity to formally evaluate our academy, our program and our ability to meet your needs as well as your child’s needs on an annual basis. Your feedback is important to us; therefore, please take time to fill out the questionnaire during this time. It will assist us in providing the best services possible.

How will my baby be placed in the crib for nap?

In accordance with the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics, we place infants on their backs to sleep in cribs with no, pillows, or wedges of any kind. Infants nap in assigned cribs according to their individual schedule. If you request that your infant sleep in a different position other than on his or her back, a physician’s note that explains why your baby cannot use a back sleeping position is required.

What is the hand-washing procedure?

It’s generally best to wash your hands with soap and water. Follow these simple steps:
  1. Wet your hands with running water.
  2. Apply liquid, bar or powder soap.
  3. Lather well.
  4. Rub your hands vigorously for at least 10 seconds sing “Row, row, row, your boat” once or the “ABCs”. Remember to scrub all surfaces, including the backs of your hands, wrists, between your fingers and under your fingernails.
  5. Rinse well.
  6. Dry your hands with a clean or disposable towel or air dryer.

If possible, use your towel to turn off the faucet.

Keep in mind that antibacterial soap is no more effective at killing germs than is regular soap. Using antibacterial soap may even lead to the development of bacteria that are resistant to the product’s antimicrobial agents — making it harder to kill these germs in the future.

Teachers and Children should not be allowed to touch the garbage/floor or play with toys between hand-washing and eating/feeding.

Always wash your hands before:

  • Preparing food
  • Eating
  • Treating wounds or giving medicine
  • Touching a sick or injured person
  • Inserting or removing contact lenses
  • Always wash your hands after:
  • Preparing food, especially raw meat or poultry
  • Using the toilet
  • Changing a diaper
  • Touching an animal or animal toys, leashes or waste
  • Blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing into your hands
  • Treating wounds
  • Touching a sick or injured person
  • Handling garbage or something that could be contaminated, such as a cleaning cloth or soiled shoes

Of course, it’s also important to wash your hands whenever they look dirty.

Do Teachers use gloves to change diapers? Are the teachers required to follow diaper-changing procedures?

Before and after changing a diaper, teachers will wear clean gloves and wash her hands. After changing a diaper, teachers will spray the changing table with a bleach water solution between each diaper change. When finishing with all diaper changing of that round, teachers will spray the sink and the faucet handle with a bleach water solution.

Do Teachers use bleach water to clean and sanitize tables?

Eating equipment and surfaces are clean and sanitized to avoid the spread of disease. Tables and highchair trays are washed with soap/water solution to remove gross soil, dried with a paper towel, and then sanitized with a bleach-water solution before being wiped with clean paper towels to dry (letting it sit for about 10 seconds so that the solution kills the germs) before and after being used for meals and snacks.

Can I observe my child while in the classroom?

The Discovery Tree Academy® has an open door policy program. Please feel free to visit your child at any time during regular business hours. If your child reacts unfavorably to your visit in the classroom, you may need to observe him/her through a window or perhaps reschedule your visit. We do ask that you limit your visit to no more than 20 minutes. You are always welcome to join your child for lunch.

With your approval, we also welcome other relatives or friends to visit the academy. For the safety of all children enrolled in our academy, visitors must provide current photo identification and sign in on our visitor sign in and out log located in our front lobby.

Do the teachers communicate verbally and or in writing on a regular basis?

We encourage daily communication between teachers and you. Also, please feel free to talk to the Director about your child. You will receive daily sheets sharing information about your child’s day. Also, a daily folder will hold works that your child has done for the day as well as important forms of communication from teachers and from the Director. Please ensure that you use this folder as a form of communication and return the folder daily to school ( preschool / childcare ) with your child.

Families are the most important people in a child’s life. You know your child better than anyone, so, therefore, we depend on you to help us get to know your child.

There are a large variety of community resources that are available in the community to support the needs of families whose children have disabilities, behavior challenges, or other special needs. The Director will assist you with any of these types of services.

We encourage scheduled conferences or meetings between you and your child’s teacher at least twice a year and whenever you have questions or concerns regarding your child. This will allow you to discuss your child’s interests, progress and any other questions you may have. We hope you will take advantage of these opportunities.

In the event that a dispute arises, we encourage you to attempt to resolve such matters in good faith directly with the Director.

Are school ( preschool / childcare ) events and reminder notices available?

You will be provided with a monthly newsletter with important information such as upcoming events, as well as special celebrations, activities you can do at home with your child, and curriculum information. The newsletter will also provide you with new children and teachers coming aboard. You will also notice signs, reminder notes, and flyers about special events throughout the academy.

What type of issues would grant my child dis-enrollment from the program?

The Director may make the decision to discontinue a child’s attendance at the academy for the following: non-payment or more than one late payment of tuition, violation of Ivy league Academy policies and procedures, disruptive and or dangerous behavior, physical and or verbal abuse of children, staff or property by a parent or child, the academy’s inability to meet the child’s needs, and if a child has special needs which we cannot meet with our current staffing patterns.
+ General Questions

How should I dress my child to go to school (preschool / childcare)?

Dress your child in comfortable, washable play clothes that will allow your child to enjoy play indoors and outdoors. Please take into consideration the current weather conditions, as well as the unexpected changes in the weather that may cause a necessary change of clothing.

Tennis shoes or other closed-toed shoes must be worn at all times; flip flops, sandals, or open-toed shoes are not permitted.

In order to keep your child happy, safe, healthy, clean and comfortable while in our care, please bring two full changes of clothing for your child. Accidents and spills can happen at any age. Please place your child’s first and last name in permanent ink on each article of clothing and all other personal items you bring to school (preschool / childcare).

My child has never attended a childcare center. How will I be assured that my child will be ok?

The most important task at hand is to make sure your child is confortable. We do this at the beginning and at the end of their days by greeting at daily schedule arrival and departure times.

We will invite your child to come with you and visit before your child’s first day. By doing this you will be able to ensure that your child understands what to expect in our school ( preschool / childcare ) and classroom, so the fear of the unknown disappears. You will also have the opportunity to observe how your child interacts with other children and how easy he/she will get involved in play.

The teacher (or you, in case that your child is upset) will explain to your child what they will be doing in the classroom during the day, and who will pick them up. Predictability minimizes anxiety for children.

At The Discovery Tree we try our best to greet each child, so children feel welcome in the classroom and a great tone is set for the whole day. Teachers will offer pleasant greeting to your child and give interesting play options upon arrival to help with the transition from home to school ( preschool / childcare ).

We will advice to you not to rush in the morning. Remember that greeting time in early childhood provides the time needed for you and teachers to share required information about your child. Also remember that if you exchange a friendly conversation with the teacher while smiling, it will show your child that his/her teacher is a safe person that the parent likes and trusts. Similarly, pleasant, organized parent departures help children keep engage in their activity in the classroom.

It is very important that your child understand that you will leave and come back later. You will say goodbye to your child. This is an opportunity for your child to learn to separate. It is confusing and upsetting for a child to find out that their parent is not around. Let the child see that you will leave and return. Your child will soon realize that you are not leaving forever.

Since this is a sensitive period developmentally, some children will have extreme difficulties at first. For these parents, we will suggest that they say goodbye and wait in the car, and we will come and get them if we cannot calm their child. We will invite parents to bring their child to The Discovery Tree several times before they leave their child. We will have the parent stay in the room in sight, then have the parent leave the room for short periods of time. Repeating this process over several visits may help reassure and calm a child considerably.

We will also suggest that parents bring an object from home that helps their child feel secure while the parent is away. We will also ask parents for some activities that they do at home that may interest the child and make him/her feel at home.

When a child experiences separation anxiety, many parents blame themselves. Feelings of guilt and failure are quite common. However, remember that your child’s intense reaction could be a measure of how secure a child feels. The child experiences anxiety because he or she is very attached to Mom or Dad or other loved ones. (In our experiences, we have seen that securely attached children, when eased into new situations, tend to become independent more quickly than those without a strong attachment.) We will always promote developing a strong bond with your child so you can help him/her ease his/her anxiety.

How do I know if the school ( preschool / childcare ) has a learning atmosphere?

Look for children’s artwork in the hallway or in the classroom. Most of them should be displayed at your child’s eye level. Ask the Director if the artworks are relevant and intentionally related to a current theme or topic being explored in any area of the curriculum that amaze your child.

Look for a variety of activities simultaneously available for children choices.

Look for suitable space to use materials, such as an open area for music-making and movement activities, a flat rug area for block building, an easel for art materials, a table for puzzles and other fine motor activities, a cozy area for quiet reading, an area for an-easy-to-clean floor for messy play, such as finger painting, sand play, and discovery table.

Look for different types of more specialized furniture in the learning environment: easels, writing centers, computer desk, cozy reading area, discovery table, which are very important because they will provide your children with varied opportunities to learn, explore, and discover.

My child is shy, how will the Teacher help him/her to communicate and interact with others in class?

At The Discovery Tree language is used by teachers in many ways throughout the day, including to comfort, inform, direct, socialize, protect, converse, negotiate, question, anticipate, and recall. For relatively short periods, usually at circle time or in a group setting, teachers have a formal plan that guides the language they use. But in reality, most of the language stimulation provided by teachers to the children throughout the day occurs informally, in response to situations that arise spontaneously. However, your child will be stimulated in different ways using language informally (open ended questions about the story of the day or asking your child if she can explain a friend how she build her car…) so your child can be involved in the social and intellectual climate of the classroom and open up little by little.

My child is three years old and not fully potty trained. Will the teachers assist my child during potty time or if he/she has an accident?

The Director will have an interview with you before your child starts. Make sure you mention this issue to her. The first thing that you will be asked is about the readiness of your child to be potty train.

Before we begin your child’s potty training, make sure your child should show the following signs of potty training readiness:

  • Expresses an interest in the potty
  • Express the need to go potty (verbally or through body language)
  • Able to dress and undress
  • Uncomfortable in wet diapers
  • Stays dry for two hours
  • Imitates family members
  • Interested in big kid underwear
  • Has regular bowel movements.

When your child starts in the young three years old classroom, he/she will probably notice that there are other children around who wear cotton underwear and use the potty. This kind of light peer pressure can motivate your child to want to use the potty.

You can help us at home by educating yourself through the use of a potty training book or video. Be sure to tell us that you are beginning the potty training process. First, we will be watching your child for signs of potty training readiness and answering questions from your child. Then, we will discuss with you our potty train plan and share with you some useful tips and trick, so we can make sure our potty training methods are similar.

Is my child allowed to bring toys from home?

Do not allow your child to bring valuables to school (preschool / childcare) that you or your child treasure such as books, jewelry, or toys from home. Please help your child understand why it is not wise to bring these items or other objects to school (preschool / childcare), Electronic devices are not permitted. The Discovery Tree Academy® is not responsible for lost or broken items that you allow your child to bring to school (preschool / childcare).

Your child will be able to bring an item from home on special occasions such as “show and tell”. Please do not allow your child to bring any items from home that may promote hostile behavior such as pretend swards, knives, and guns. Please write your child’s full name with a permanent maker on each item that he brings to the school (preschool / childcare).

How should I dress my child to go to school (preschool / childcare)?

Dress your child in comfortable, washable play clothes that will allow your child to enjoy play indoors and outdoors. Please take into consideration the current weather conditions, as well as the unexpected changes in the weather that may cause a necessary change of clothing.

Tennis shoes or other closed-toed shoes must be worn at all times; flip flops, sandals, or open-toed shoes are not permitted.

In order to keep your child happy, safe, healthy, clean and comfortable while in our care, please bring two full changes of clothing for your child. Accidents and spills can happen at any age. Please place your child’s first and last name in permanent ink on each article of clothing and all other personal items you bring to school (preschool / childcare).

My child has never attended a childcare center. How will I be assured that my child will be ok?

The most important task at hand is to make sure your child is confortable. We do this at the beginning and at the end of their days by greeting at daily schedule arrival and departure times.

We will invite your child to come with you and visit before your child’s first day. By doing this you will be able to ensure that your child understands what to expect in our school ( preschool / childcare ) and classroom, so the fear of the unknown disappears. You will also have the opportunity to observe how your child interacts with other children and how easy he/she will get involved in play.

The teacher (or you, in case that your child is upset) will explain to your child what they will be doing in the classroom during the day, and who will pick them up. Predictability minimizes anxiety for children.

At The Discovery Tree we try our best to greet each child, so children feel welcome in the classroom and a great tone is set for the whole day. Teachers will offer pleasant greeting to your child and give interesting play options upon arrival to help with the transition from home to school ( preschool / childcare ).

We will advice to you not to rush in the morning. Remember that greeting time in early childhood provides the time needed for you and teachers to share required information about your child. Also remember that if you exchange a friendly conversation with the teacher while smiling, it will show your child that his/her teacher is a safe person that the parent likes and trusts. Similarly, pleasant, organized parent departures help children keep engage in their activity in the classroom.

It is very important that your child understand that you will leave and come back later. You will say goodbye to your child. This is an opportunity for your child to learn to separate. It is confusing and upsetting for a child to find out that their parent is not around. Let the child see that you will leave and return. Your child will soon realize that you are not leaving forever.

Since this is a sensitive period developmentally, some children will have extreme difficulties at first. For these parents, we will suggest that they say goodbye and wait in the car, and we will come and get them if we cannot calm their child. We will invite parents to bring their child to The Discovery Tree several times before they leave their child. We will have the parent stay in the room in sight, then have the parent leave the room for short periods of time. Repeating this process over several visits may help reassure and calm a child considerably.

We will also suggest that parents bring an object from home that helps their child feel secure while the parent is away. We will also ask parents for some activities that they do at home that may interest the child and make him/her feel at home.

When a child experiences separation anxiety, many parents blame themselves. Feelings of guilt and failure are quite common. However, remember that your child’s intense reaction could be a measure of how secure a child feels. The child experiences anxiety because he or she is very attached to Mom or Dad or other loved ones. (In our experiences, we have seen that securely attached children, when eased into new situations, tend to become independent more quickly than those without a strong attachment.) We will always promote developing a strong bond with your child so you can help him/her ease his/her anxiety.

My child has a special need. Will The Discovery Tree Academy® be able to accommodate my child’s needs?

The Discovery Tree Academy® acts in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and other applicable federal, state, or local laws pertaining to the provisions of services to children with disabilities. Our goal is to meet the individual needs of the child within the structure of our program, while maintaining a healthy and safe environment for all the children and staff. We will make reasonable accommodations to afford children with disabilities full and equal enjoyment of our programs and services in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs. We will make no assumptions concerning any individual’s abilities or disabilities and will make an individual assessment to determine if we can meet each child’s needs in our group child care setting.

If the parent/guardian of a child identifies a special need, the Director and the parent will meet to review the care requirements of the child. The Discovery Tree Academy® cannot accommodate children medically fragile that require medical procedures. When necessary, a copy of the IEP may be requested by the staff and management of The Discovery Tree Academy®.

Can my child attend the center if he/she is not a United States citizen or a nationality other than American?

The Discovery Tree Academy® provides an environment that is free from unlawful discrimination of any type, including discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, color, age, sex, disability, veteran status, or any other characteristics protected by law. This policy governs all aspects of our academy’s operations.

I have a flexible rotating work schedule. Will you be able to provide services according to my schedule?

We are open Monday through Friday from 6:30 am until 6:30 pm. We are only closed in observance of these holidays each year: New Years Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving Day & Friday after, Independence Day, Christmas Day. We will close early (Time TBD) on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve.

If any of the above observed holidays fall on a Saturday, we will be closed the preceding Friday. If any observed holidays fall on a Sunday, we will be closed the following Monday.

No allowances, credits, refunds, or make-up days shall be made for holiday closings. Tuition must still be paid in full.

Emergency closings and inclement weather closings: Our goal is to remain open and provide services every weekday of the year, excluding holidays. However, there are situations beyond our control such as inclement weather, natural/national disasters, or major building issues that may disrupt services from time to time. The Discovery Tree Academy® will close on any days that the local public school ( preschool / childcare ) system closes for an emergency or natural/national disaster. Please call the academy to ensure that it is open during any situation of concern. In the event of an emergency closing, we will do our best to notify the local news stations so that you can determine the status of the school ( preschool / childcare ). In the event that the school ( preschool / childcare ) closes after you have dropped off your child, you or your designated emergency contacts will be notified so that you can make arrangements to pick up your child.

Will my child be prepared to meet or exceed the Kindergarten Readiness Standards prior to entering Kindergarten?

There are many steps we take to make sure your child is ready for Kindergarten. Our unique program combine:

  • Hiring the best “Teachers”,
  • Using the best possible combination of great curriculums (The Creative Curriculum combine with ELLM Plus literacy based curriculum)
  • Have a great environment for learning to ensure that each child is on the right path to a journey of lifelong learning.
  • Assessing them and preparing appropriate lesson plans with activities that develop specific skills, so your child can be ready for kindergarten.

Will my school-age child participate in field trips?

Transportation to and from school ( preschool / childcare ) and on field trips do take place for children 4 years of age and older and 40 pounds or more. We will ensure that we have signed permission from you to transport your child to and from school ( preschool / childcare ) and on field trips. All loading and unloading procedures will be followed. We will keep an accurate list of all children being transported. Emergency medical transport and treatment authorization forms for each child will be available if needed.

Each vehicle will have a fire extinguisher approved by state or local fire marshal, secured in the bus and accessible to all adult occupants. Management is capable of communicating with drivers if needed through a communication devise.

All staff members that transport children have CPR and First Aid.

Field trips start and end at the school ( preschool / childcare ). You may not drop off your child at the field trip site and we will not release your child to you while on a field trip; all children must return to the school ( preschool / childcare ) before being released to their parents.

School-age children may attend public swimming facilities as a part of the summer activity program. We follow all state guidelines and regulations in relation to water activities and ensuring the safety of the children.

Will my school-age child do home work?

Our school age program is intended to compliment their school day. Children are given opportunities to work on homework, read, design, implement and evaluate group projects and activities, socialize with friends, perform, create and enjoy outdoor activities.

How will my child transition to the next classroom when the times come?

When your child is ready to move to a new classroom, we will do all we can to make this transition a smooth and successful one. We will notify you when we feel your child is ready to move. The move will always be a collaborative decision among parents, teachers, and management.

Will my child have a class pet or have the opportunity to interact with a pet at school ( preschool / childcare )?

Your child may have a class pet or have the opportunity to interact with a pet or animal as part of specialized programming. We encourage good hygiene and hand washing after handling or coming into contact with an animal and items used by animals, such as water and food bowls, and cages. Please notify us if your child has an allergy to certain types of animals.

Does the school ( preschool / childcare ) allow my child to celebrate holidays and birthdays while at school ( preschool / childcare )?

We love to celebrate holidays and birthdays! This is a meaningful and fun experience for children, families, and teachers. Holidays are a reflection of the cultural and ethnic diversity of our families and are an opportunity for children to learn about each other. We encourage families to share their own traditions as a wonderful benefit to their children, and a great way to become involved in the classroom. We ensure that the holiday experiences are developmentally appropriate for the children and reflect the diversity of the families in our programs as well as meaningful to the interests of the children.

Your child’s birthday is a special day to him or her as well as for us. We enjoy making your child feel extra special as often as we can. We encourage you to bring nutritious birthday treats that are purchased from a licensed food provider or non-food treats. Please notify your child’s teacher and Center Director of any birthday celebration at least one week in advance. Please remember The Discovery Tree Academy® school ( preschool / childcare )s are Free Peanut.

If the staff looks busy, how do I know teachers are patient, loving and responsive?

Ask yourself the following question: what will you do with more than 5 toddlers or older for more than an hour? Normally, anybody that is not an early childhood teacher will not be able to handle 1 or more toddlers after an hour and if so, that person will be consider very patient.

Loving not always means being kissed or hugged. Soft tone of voice, assertive answers, respect and give the child as much attention as needed throughout the day possible, prize to children’s jobs well done, does mean the world to our little ones.

Teachers are responsive when they react quickly and positively to any circumstances in the classroom. It is difficult to observe in just a quick tour.

+ Daily Care

Are you providing formula to my child or do I have to bring it? Are you providing baby food?

We will provide: Iron fortified formula, Jar baby food and cereal, When on table food: breakfast, lunch and snack at scheduled according to our posted menu.

The Discovery Tree Academy® participates in the Child Care Food Program (CACFP). The program provides support to licensed childcare programs to provide high quality, nutritious, and appealing meals and snacks to infants and children in our care. The CACFP strives to give children a healthy foundation they will need to make good healthy eating choices and make good nutrition a part of their daily lives.

How often will you feed my baby?

We will follow the schedule that you have provided to us in order to meet your infant’s needs at home and at school (preschool / childcare).

How often will you change my baby’s diaper?

We will change your infant’s diaper every time needed. We will also check your baby every 2 hours to make sure your child is dry.

Will my child’s clothes get changed if he/she soils their clothes?

We will change your child clothes and your child’s bed every time it gets wet.

What am I required to bring daily for my infant?

You will provide disposable diapers and baby wipes to accommodate your child’s needs. We require the use of disposable diapers. All items need to be replenished as needed. Any ointments or topical products to be used must be labeled with the child’s full name and you will ask the Director for the appropriate authorization form. Please make sure each diaper have your child’s initials on it.
  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • 2 crib sheets.
  • 1 light blanket
  • 3 changes of clothing
  • Sweater or jacket to accommodate indoor/outdoor temperature changes.
  • Enough labeled bottles for the day’s feedings. (If using breast milk or formula from home, you must prepare the bottles in advance and label the bottle with child’s full name, date, and contents).
  • 3 Bibs
  • 3 Burp clothes

Will my baby have the opportunity to nap as needed according to his/her sleep pattern?

Infants will sleep on-demand, according to their own needs.

How will my baby be placed in the crib for nap?

In accordance with the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics, we place infants on their backs to sleep in cribs with no, pillows, or wedges of any kind. Infants nap in assigned cribs according to their individual schedule. If you request that your infant sleep in a different position other than on his or her back, a physician’s note that explains why your baby cannot use a back sleeping position is required.

Is my baby playing with specific age-appropriate toys to develop skills intentionally?

We follow lesson plans based on “Foundations” curriculum, so we will give your baby specific age-appropriate toys to develop specific skills each time of the day, every day.

We also plan specific activities with your baby in order to cover specific development standards designed to help your child reach and meet the appropriate developmental milestones each day.

Will my child get sick because of the other children?

The Discovery Tree Academy® has a commitment to a clean and healthy environment and we take the necessary precautionary steps to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Our schools ( preschool / childcare ) are designed to be easily cleaned and maintained with the highest standards of cleanliness. We have installed an “air return system” in each classroom. This system will help remove dust and odors in the air. Toys in the classrooms are sanitized and disinfected on a daily schedule.

Toys are sanitized, as children mouth the toys. Tabletops are disinfected daily, including before and after meal and snack times. Bathrooms are sanitized and disinfected on a daily schedule.

We promote cleanliness and good hygiene with children on a regular basis. Frequent hand washing is practiced by all staff and children, and is always required before eating, after toileting, before/after sensory play and after outdoor play.

If your child or any sibling has a communicable disease, it should be informed to the school ( preschool / childcare ) immediately, so we can take the necessary precautions. We will take necessary measures to protect your child’s confidentiality, and will only share the information relating to the disease with those that need to know.

All children’s immunizations must be up-to-date before being admitted to our academy. This applies to children from birth through school-age. Acceptable documentation for records of immunizations must be validated by a physician or other health-care professional with a signature or rubber stamp, and include your child’s date of birth and full name, the number of doses and vaccine type, the month, day, and year the child received each vaccination. Validated proof of immunizations should be submitted as your child receives new immunizations or booster shots. State licensing regulations will be strictly adhered to by the academy. Failure to abide by the immunization requirements may affect your child’s enrollment.

You have the right to waive immunizations. To do so, a written statement (or state required from) must be provided to us indicating the religious, cultural, or medical reasons surrounding the waiver.

What happens if my child is sick?

If we observe your child developing symptoms of illness during the day we will isolate him or her from the other children and call you to pick up your child. We understand the difficulties this may cause but we do ask that you or a person from your emergency contacts is at the school ( preschool / childcare ) to pick up your child with in an hour.

What is the school’s illness return policy for my child?

For the health and well-being of your child and others, your child must be kept home if he or she develops any of the following symptoms of contagious disease until the child is symptom free for twenty-four hours or the child’s physician indicates, in writing, that a child can return to the school ( preschool / childcare ) (unless otherwise directed by the local health department):


  • Appears to be severely ill lethargy, lack of responsiveness, irritability, persistent crying, difficult breathing, or having a quick spreading rash.
  • A fever above 101 F orally or 100 F or higher taken axillary.
  • Diarrhea
  • Blood or mucus in the stool not explained by dietary change.
  • Vomiting
  • Persistent abdominal pain or intermittent abdominal pain associated with fever, dehydration, or other signs or symptoms of illness.
  • Mouth sores with drooling.
  • Rash with fever or behavioral changes.
  • Head lice or nits.
  • Strep throat or other strep infections.
  • Scabies
  • Chickenpox
  • Impetigo
  • Pertussis (whooping cough) (we will follow the local health department directions).
  • Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (we will follow the local health department directions).
  • Tuberculosis (we will follow the local health department directions).
  • Hepatitis A virus infection (we will follow the local health department directions).
  • Any child determined by the local health department to be contributing to the transmission of illness during an outbreak.
  • Eye discharge or signs of conjunctivitis.
  • Unusually dark urine or white stool.
  • Stiff neck.
  • Untreated infected skin patches.

After your child has been ill, it is important to adhere to the following guidelines when determining whether or not your child is ready to return to The Discovery Tree Academy®:

  • Mood, appetite, behavior and activity are again normal.
  • No fever for 24 hours or more.
  • Antibiotics (if prescribed) have been used for a full 24 hours (48 if strep throat).
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, cleared for 24 hours.
  • Frequent coughing, excessive nasal discharge resolved.
  • Pain (earache, cramps, headache, etc.) resolved.

Children returned to the academy with signs of illness or disease will be refused admittance. Re-admittance to The Discovery Tree Academy® is allowed after 24 hours of normal axillaries’ temperature (below 99) and or no other signs of illness for 24 hours, or by a doctor’s signed statement. In the case of a parasitic infestation, a child is readmitted when all evidence of the infestation is gone. The Director will review the case before your child can enter the classroom.

On occasion, if a health concern persists, the Director may request your child to be seen by a physician prior to returning to the center.

If my child has a prescribed medication, will the school ( preschool / childcare ) administer it as directed?

Medication may be provided to your child while in our care in accordance with our policies, as well as state regulations. YOU MUST: Give all medications to a member of management, not the staff in the classroom. You must complete a “Permission to Administer Medication” form. MEDICATIONS MUST: Be in the original container; Must be labeled with the child’s full name and prescription date; Include directions to administer the medication; Include the name of the physician prescribing the medication along with the prescription number if applicable; May not be expired.

Once a designated The Discovery Tree Academy® employee has administered the medication, they will record the required information on the “Permission To Administer Medication” form.

Remember that it is a courtesy that we administer medication, not mandatory. All medications are stored in a locked area that is inaccessible to children. Medications are not typically administered on field trips unless it is a life-threatening circumstance. No medications will be dispensed in a manner that is contrary to the label directions without a physician’s written instructions.

We have the right to refuse or discontinue administration of any product if an adverse reaction results, the product expires, the child is ill or injured, the product can be administered at home before care or after, the “Permission to Administer Medication” form is incomplete, or for any other reason if, in management’s opinion, it is in the best interest of the child.

Will you serve breakfast? Would you serve snack?

  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Snack

All above at scheduled according to posted menu.

The Discovery Tree Academy® participates in the Child Care Food Program (CACFP). The program provides support to licensed childcare programs to provide high quality, nutritious, and appealing meals and snacks to infants and children in our care. The CACFP strives to give children a healthy foundation they will need to make good healthy eating choices and make good nutrition a part of their daily lives.

How will I know what my child will be eating for lunch?

Our menus are posted in the lobby as well as in your child’s classroom. There may be times when we must substitute one food for another, while maintaining the nutritional content of the overall menu. Substitutions will be posted in order to keep you informed of what has been served.

Meals at our academy are served family style, which may include children assisting in table setting, serving, and cleaning up. Menus include foods, which meet daily nutritional needs, as well as State licensing requirements.

If your child comes to eat all the meals serve at the center, your child will get all diet requirements from milk, vegetables, fruits, meats and grains of the day.

We serve fresh products and products that show the labels approved by USDA for children only. No trans-fat and high fructose corn syrup is in any of our meals. Our cooking methods are: baking and boiling only. No frying is allowed. Right portions depending of children ages are served.

What if my child is a picky eater?

We encourage children to sample new foods and to taste what is being served. Most of the time, toddlers will copy their friends and you will be amazed how great your child will eat at the school ( preschool / childcare ).

It is important to let you know that we cannot require children to eat or in any way punish them if they choose not to eat all foods served. We will tell what your child actually eats every day, so you can try different foods at home to complement whatever your child missed at our school ( preschool / childcare ).

Make sure your child has a healthy breakfast prior to arriving to school ( preschool / childcare ) if you child is going to miss the breakfast that is provided.

We do not allow food from home to be brought into the academy. Any exceptions must be discussed with the Director. If there are religious reasons, special dietary needs, or severe allergy concerns that would prohibit your child from eating what we are serving, you will discuss these details with the Director. The Discovery Tree Academy® is a Free Peanut Zone.

My child has allergies, what should I do?

Please notify us immediately when you learn that your child has allergies. If a child requires medication for a life-threatening allergic reaction (i.e. bee stings), the child’s prescription may be kept at the school ( preschool / childcare ) and administered when necessary. If your child suffers from allergies, please contact your Director, who can provide you with additional information.

My child just turned one, will my child be able to sleep on a mat/cot?

Your child will be provided a mat/cot daily. You will be happily surprised how quickly toddlers just turning one will fall asleep on their mat/cot, not missing their cribs.

Teachers will make sure your child have lots of fun, have a nice lunch, dry diaper and become pleasantly tired before nap time, so your child has a good rest. Relaxing music, warm low light, nice temperature, cozy blanket and maybe his/her favorite toy if needed.

Will my child need any items for nap-time?

You will provide a fitted crib sheet and a small blanket for your child’s mat as well as for his/hers comfort. We ask that you avoid oversized pillows and blankets due to storage space in our classrooms. You will take your child’s sheet and blanket home on the last day of attendance for the week to be laundered. If your child becomes ill, you will also be required to take the sheet and blanket home and launder before returning it to school ( preschool / childcare ). The Florida Department of Children and Families requires your child’s mat is covered. If your child does not have these nap items, you will be notified to bring these items before naptime begins that day. Children are NOT permitted to share these items for any reason.

My child is use to taking a half hour nap during mid morning and again around lunch-time. What type of nap schedule will my child have?

Your child will sleep or rest according to the daily schedule that is incorporated into the day of balanced activities and quiet play.

We can assure you your child will get plenty of rest. However, your child will experience a transition time where he/she will fall a sleep at the table before lunch and also on the way home.

Normally, children are so excited with new friends and activities that they will pass their mid morning naptime without complaining. Their problem will be at lunch. After changing diapers, washing hands and getting ready to eat, they suddenly become so tired and they can hardly make it and fall asleep at the table. However, after few days, they get use to the new routines, so it is not a problem that we face in toddler classrooms.

Do Teachers help me with potty training?

This growth period is a natural progression of independence. Toileting training will be one of the most important missions accomplished in our toddler twos classroom. Teachers will work learning activities along with potty visits and constant reminders. Piers recognition and toy prizes will be given for accomplishments.

Potty accidents, which will happen frequently before your child master this complex task, are treated respectfully. You will bring pull ups, wipes, and at least three full changes of clothing, including underwear, pants, shirts, socks, and an extra pair of shoes. If your child has an accident, Teachers will assist your child with the changing of clothes and motivate them and keep reminding about visiting the potty.

Will my toddler play with specific age-appropriate toys to develop skills intentionally?

We follow lesson plans based on “Foundations” curriculum, so we will give your toddler specific age-appropriate toys to develop specifics skills each time of the day, every day.

Teachers will also follow lesson plans with plenty activities for your toddler to be exposed to endless fun activities intentionally instructed for your child to develop age-appropriate skills and developmental milestones.

How do I know if the furniture and the toys are age-appropriate?

Our furniture is age appropriate furniture because they are the right size for the age of the children in the classroom and because they are the right selection of furniture that supports children’s independence in meeting their routine care needs and in conducting their play and learning activities.

At The Discovery Tree, there is more than enough tables and chairs, shelves; cots/mats to meet each child’s routine care needs. Our shelves are open, uncluttered, making materials accessible to children, low enough for them to easily reach toys.

Chairs are also the right sizes. In each classroom, toddlers twos, preschoolers and school age children’s feet are able to touch the floor, while they are seated. Tables are child-sized because are an appropriate height so that children can rest their elbows on the top of the table, while their legs fit comfortably underneath the table.

Their mats or cots are long enough to fit their bodies; and toilets and sinks are the right size for toddlers and preschool age.

Infants and one year old children may or may not have their feet on the floor when sitting due to the fact that most of the available toddler chairs are 7” or taller. The Discovery Tree Academy® counts with chairs 5” available for little ones. Ask the Director if your child needs one.

Are the classrooms set up to provide a fun environment for learning?

Very important and fun material will be display in your child’s classroom such as word wall, with pictures and words related to the story of the week; pictures of evidence of learning, science posters with interesting frogs or bugs, cute family pictures, among others.

At The Discovery Tree your child will enjoy looking with great interest at his/her artwork, which will be displayed at your child’s eye level and personally relevant to your child because it will be intentionally related to a current theme or topic being explore in any area of the curriculum that amaze your child.

Your child will have lot of learning while having fun. A variety of activities simultaneously are available for your child so she/he can have choices. Our classrooms are designed to have suitable space to use materials, such as an open area for music-making and movement activities, a flat rug area for block building, an easel for art materials, a table for puzzles and other fine motor activities, a cozy area for quiet reading, an area near water on an-easy-to-clean floor for messy play, such as finger painting, sand play, and discovery table.

At The Discovery Tree your child will find different type of more specialized furniture in the learning environment, which is very important because it will provide your children with varied opportunities to learn, explore, and discover.

The selection of specific age appropriate furniture and the way the furniture is arranged in the classroom allow Children at The Discovery Tree classrooms be able to handle their surroundings, feeling competent and secure. Also, Teachers at The Discovery Tree can make the best use of their time and energy to reach each child development goal while having fun because of the set up of the classrooms, the right and great furniture and the quality and appropriate learning toys.

Do classroom learning centers include: quiet, reading, creative, music, dramatic play, problem solving, math and engineering?

Because the arrangement of the space used by children in a classroom affects how well teachers will supervise them to protect their health and safety, as well as to enhance their learning, at The Discovery Tree classrooms, our furniture and materials are intentionally placed and functionally organized.

Your child will not waste time looking for toys that goes together. Your child will be able to become involved in meaningful sustained play pretty easy at The Discovery Tree classroom.

Our classrooms offer many hands-on activities organized in a number of interested centers. Our Learning Centers are carefully thought out with age appropriate materials needed to compliment as well as enhance the use of the curriculum. Some of the classroom centers that you will find are: language and literacy (reading & quiet), math, science (discovery and exploration), music and movement, blocks, transportation and construction (engineering), manipulative, dramatic and pretend play, art and free expression.

What are age-appropriate learning practices in a toddler classroom?

Age appropriate learning practices for toddlers are those who are focused on relationships, senses/perceptions, movement and language. If your child’s teacher follows the curriculum “Foundations for Success Infant/Toddler Model” or meet Florida Birth to Three Learning and Developmental Standards and meet the requirements of the Infant Toddler Environmental Rating Scale, they are teaching age appropriate learning practices for your toddler.

What are age-appropriate learning practices in a preschool classroom?

Age appropriate learning practices for three to five are those who are focused on physical health, approaches to learning, social and emotional development, language and communication, emergent literacy, cognitive development and general knowledge, motor development. If your child’s teacher follows the curriculum “Early Literacy and learning Model/ Plus (ELLM PLUS) or follow the requirements of the Sunshine State Standards, Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Standards, Florida School ( preschool / childcare ) Readiness Performance Standards, and Head Start Performance Standards, they are teaching age appropriate learning practices for your three-five years old child.

Do Teachers follow the same daily schedule every day?

Routines and repetition are very important in early childhood, so your child will be following the schedule every day. Circle time, art time, manipulative/construction play, out door play, lunch, nap time, snack time, music and movement time, reading time, among others will be performed every day around the same time.

Routines do not mean same activities every day. Teachers will introduce different theme accordingly to “Foundations” or “ELLM Plus” depending on your child’s age. They will plan fun activities that are different every day and they will explore them consistently each week until the majority of the group grasp the concept and develop the skills.

Do Toddler Teachers follow lesson plans that are age- appropriate? Do Three-Five years old teachers follow lesson plans that are age-appropriate?

Toddler Teachers will introduce different themes accordingly to “Foundations”. They will plan fun activities that are different every day and they will explore them consistently each week until the majority of the group grasp the concept and develop the skills.

Preschool ( preschool / childcare ) Teachers will introduce different theme accordingly to “ELLM Plus”. They will plan fun activities that are different every day and they will explore them consistently each week until the majority of the group grasp the concept and develop the skills.

Do Teachers receive professional development training?

At The Discovery Tree Academy® our Directors at our school ( preschool / childcare )s have degrees in Early Childhood Education. They are the leaders in Education and are expected to continue their education as well as encourage the further education of our team members.

100% of Lead Teachers have DCF Staff Credential on file documenting CDA/CDAE or higher education.

100% of Assistant Teachers have a HS diploma, have completed or are studying the 40 hours DCF mandated training and the 5 hours Early Literacy course.

All staff complete 10 hours of annual in-service training and lead teachers complete 30 hours of annual in-service training tied to their professional development plan.

Do Teachers treat each child as an individual; encouraging them to explore and discover their personalities?

We want each child to have several successful experiences each day in order to allow him or her to gain a positive self-image and to make certain that he or she has a lifelong love of learning. Our program is designed to encourage each child to explore and discover in his/her own way to attain his/her full learning potential and to approach learning with excitement, enthusiasm and persistence.

Do students have access to outdoor play on a daily basis (weather permitting)?

Outdoor play is an essential part of your child’s day. Children who are well enough to attend school ( preschool / childcare ) must be well enough to participate in all activities, including outdoor play. All children will enjoy outdoor activities at least once daily, weather permitting. We will monitor the weather throughout the day to ensure the safety of the children. Make ensure your child has adequate clothing for all weather conditions warm and cold. Always remember to remove all strings from hoods and hats.

Do Teachers follow age-appropriate practices/guidelines?

Our program will provide a quality early childhood education with developmentally appropriate activities, educationally enriched environments and responsive teacher-child interactions.

Do Teachers have access to advanced curriculum planning?

Our program is based on the Creative Curriculum, complemented by our emphasis on literacy with the use of the “ELLM PLUS” Curricula for our school ( preschool / childcare ) and prekindergarten program as well as “Foundations for Success” Curricula for our infant and toddler programs. What makes our programs unique is the combination of the curriculums mentions above along with our The Discovery Tree Academy® team best practices align with Florida Birth to Three Learning and Developmental Standards, the requirements of the Infant Toddler Environmental Rating Scale, Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, Sunshine State Standards, Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Standards, Florida School, Readiness Performance Standards, and Head Start Performance Standards.

Are there skill development activities through small/large and individual/group daily?

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At The Discovery Tree, Instructional routines for threes, fours and fives year old children supports the implementation of literacy and language through whole-group, small-group, and individual instruction.

During whole-group instruction concepts are presented or reinforced to ensure and/or extend learning for all children. Share experiences, like read-aloud and music and movement, also occur during whole-group time to create a community of learners. Whole-group is extended through guided practice at the small-group teaching table.

During small-group instruction teachers are able to monitor children’s progress and address the individual needs of children as they converse about and interact with words and concepts. Children practice using concepts and information independently as they work and play together in learning centers.

Teachers reinforce children’s knowledge and skill development throughout the day using systematic, explicit, and purposeful activities as well as simple and complex language.

In our toddler classrooms, our teachers consider the characteristics of the children who will be participating in the small-group activity and tailor the experience so that it will be appropriate for the children.

Toddlers will play in group activities only when they are challenged by what is done, so they will be interested in the content of the activity and they would participate in a meaningful way; toddlers will be active (such as singing or dancing, pointing pictures in a book or talking about them); each will have close interaction with the teacher and will not wait long periods of time for individual attention.

Our toddler teachers are flexible and adjust the activity as children join or leave the group. Our teachers always have an alternative activity that allow children to choose if they do not wish to participate in group activity.

Appropriate individual learning experiences are taught at The Discovery Tree Academy®. Our teachers promote individual, hands-on, flexible, and self-directed activities that allow our students to develop abilities and skills to learn one on one too.

Do Teachers have access to child assessment tools?

All children are assessed at different times throughout the year. Assessments are done in all five areas of development: social and emotional, language (expressive and receptive), physical, approach to learning (cognitive), and fine motor (manipulative). One and two year old children are assessed one time a year using ASQ (Ages and Stages Questionnaires: A Parent-completed, child monitoring System Second Edition By Diane Bricker And Jane Squires); three year old children, twice a year using Creative Curriculum Assessment tool and/or the ELLM/PLUS Informal Assessment Guide for Classroom Teachers and Site-based Administrators; and four year old children (VPK) are assessed three times a year, September, January & May using VPK Assessment kit and VPK Assessment Online Reporting System. Parent conferences are held twice a year or on an as needed basis.

Do Teachers assess my child?

All children are assessed at different times throughout the year. Assessments are done in all five areas of development: social and emotional, language (expressive and receptive), physical, approach to learning (cognitive), and fine motor (manipulative). Toddlers are assessed one time a year. A mid school ( preschool / childcare ) year assessment will be performed to your toddler if needed.

Will the Director advise me on areas that my child may need further assistance in order to meet developmental milestones?

A monthly newsletter with important information such as child development issues, activities you can do at home with your child, and curriculum information will be sent to you.

Both the Director and your child’s teacher will provide information and advices to help you deal with behavior issues, find language/physical therapist (if needed) and will provide you with information about valuable resources available to help your child at the school ( preschool / childcare ) and at home.

Do Teachers prepare their lesson plans in conjunction with the assessments?

The result of the assessments will help teachers to gain information about children’s progress that can be used to plan future learning experiences and be shared with parents. Also, assessment results will help teachers to create learning-rich environments in their classrooms and guide them to choose different teaching strategies or ways in which children can develop weak skills.

It is very important to clarify that assessment tools are not designed to identify children with special needs, determine the effectiveness of the program, nor make high-stakes decisions about individual children.

If my child has a behavior concern, how will this be addressed?

Very often a child’s first recognition and first success in getting the attention of significant adults in their life is through misbehavior. This can also be true in a classroom environment.

The Discovery Tree Academy® emphasizes the importance of recognizing the positive behavior of a child and reinforcing this positive behavior through praise and recognition.

Our goal is to create an environment that teaches each child to seek recognition through positive behavior and begin engaged in the classroom with the teacher and the other children.

We focus on promoting positive self-esteem, self-discipline and emotional development. We assist in guiding each child toward good choices and decisions. When the behavior of a child disrupts the goals of the teacher and the classroom, The Discovery Tree Academy® team will redirect the child towards a more positive behavior.

If the inappropriate behavior continues it may be necessary to remove the child from the group and redirect to another area of the classroom. This will allow the child to gain control of their actions and reflect on their behavior. The duration of time in this area is equal to one minute per age of the child. When the child returns to the group, the teacher will discuss the child’s alternatives, forgive the child’s activities and look for an opportunity to praise the child for appropriate behavior.

Daily, weekly and monthly newsletter with important information such as child development issues, activities you can do at home with your child, and curriculum information will be sent to you.

Behavior that is consistent in nature will be brought to the attention of the parents so that The Discovery Tree Academy® and the parents can work cooperatively to create a behavior modification program that can be used in the facility as well as at home. Both the Director and your child’s teacher will provide information about valuable resources available and advices to help you and your child deal with behavior issues normally cause by development delays (language/physical) or family circumstances.

Continue behavior issues, severe enough to endanger the welfare and safety of other children and/or staff, will be brought to the attention of the parent immediately by the Director. At this time, the Director will advise the parent that their child will be temporarily dis-enrolled until the behavior ceases. This action will be the last resort when first attempts to correct this behavior have been exhausted. This behavior will be preceded by verbal and written communication to the parent and whenever possible. If this occurs, the parent will be given one-week notice before termination of the program.

What steps will the teachers take to avoid biting in the classroom?

At the first sign of biting, we evaluate the environment and activities at the time of the bite. If warranted, adjustments in the environment, routines, or the transitions in the classroom may be made. If a bite occurs, the teacher will first attend to the bitten child by comforting the child and gently cleaning the bitten area with soap and water. Teachers will complete and incident report for the bitten child. The child who has bitten will be removed from the immediate area and closely supervised for a period of time after the incident. We will complete an incident report for the child who has bitten and discuss the incident with the child’s parents.

For children who continue to bite, more specific intervention will be put in place, including a conference with the family and the creation of a behavioral plan. Staff cannot discuss with either parent the identity of the other child involved in the incident, nor can staff discuss the medical history of any child involved in a biting incident with the other parent.

What is your procedure when my child falls?

We will check if your child is ok, if there is red skin, scars, bruise or visible pain.

If needed, first aid will be administered on site and you will be contacted. Teachers will write an Incident/Accident Report and you will be asked to sign it when you pick up your child.

If your child hits his/her head, you will be contacted even though there is no change in behavior or pain, to let you know about the accident. Then, you would decide if you would like your child to stay at the school ( preschool / childcare ), to take your child home or to the doctor.

What happens when a medical emergency arises?

If a medical emergency arises, resulting from either a serious accident or some other cause, we, the The Discovery Tree Academy® team, will follow the following actions:

First aid will be administered on site and you will be contacted. If you are not available, the emergency contact person on the “Emergency Medical and Transportation Authorization” will be notified. When necessary, Emergency 911 will be called.

A member of our team will accompany your child to the emergency Room. An incident/accident report will be completed and signed by the Center Director.

Is the staff properly certified in CPR and First Aid?

Our staff has CPR and First Aid certificates.

Are the teachers qualified to handle events such as fire and or inclement weather situations?

The Discovery Tree Academy® has regular fire and disaster drills at its facility. We urge each family to plan what you will do if disaster strikes during the day when you are separated at work, school ( preschool / childcare ), etc. You will find helpful disaster planning information in your phone book.

Our children are taught to listen to the teacher’s directions. We will assemble and count everyone and give aid and comfort as needed. We will stay with your child until you or your designee can get to the center. We have stored flashlights, radio, first-aid supplies, food and water. The center is required to have staff members trained in First Aid and CPR present at all times.

We urge parents and insist on keeping your contact information, emergency medical information and the authorization for medical treatment current.

What is the procedure if I need someone other than myself to pick my child up at the end of his/her day?

Our academy is equipped with a security entry system to protect the children in our care. This system allows only those people with access into the building. You will be given free access to the academy during business hours. You will choose an access code for yourself as well as your emergency contacts as well as instructions for entry. You will not allow anyone to follow in behind you. Each person must use their designated access code to enter the building. Kindness is a wonderful quality, but holding the door open for someone defeats the purpose of the security system. Remember: your child’s safety is very important to us. The only exception to using the pin code would be if you are a 3 hour only VPK parent. You will be given a sign in/out log during drop off and pick up (take out altogether everyone goes in the procure system). You will also have a designated pin code for times when you need to enter or exit the building.

Children will only be released to authorized individuals as stated by the parent/guardian in your enrollment paperwork. When an authorized individual does pick up your child, they must provide proper identification. We require any release authorizations to be given to management in writing prior to releasing your child to any persons who are not listed on your emergency contact list.

You must make every effort to pick up your child before closing time. If you are going to be late, please contact the academy immediately. A late fee will be assessed for arriving late to pick up your child after closing time. If we do not receive a call from you and are unable to reach your emergency contacts, we may be required to call local authorities to assist with the situation. The Discovery Tree Academy® personnel are not permitted to take your child home unless they are placed on your child’s emergency contact list in advance.

Please notify the center if you are going to arrive later than usual so that your child does not feel abandoned.

Anyone picking up a child must be at least 18 years of age unless the parent of the child is under the age of 18. This includes siblings.

Certified custody orders must be provided to management before your child is enrolled. Changes which occur in custody orders must be provided immediately, in writing, to management.


Will I be able to give you feed back?

The door of our Director’s office is always open for you. You will have an opportunity to formally evaluate our academy, our program and our ability to meet your needs as well as your child’s needs on an annual basis. Your feedback is important to us; therefore, please take time to fill out the questionnaire during this time. It will assist us in providing the best services possible.

How will my baby be placed in the crib for nap?

In accordance with the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics, we place infants on their backs to sleep in cribs with no, pillows, or wedges of any kind. Infants nap in assigned cribs according to their individual schedule. If you request that your infant sleep in a different position other than on his or her back, a physician’s note that explains why your baby cannot use a back sleeping position is required.
+ Healthy Routines

What is the hand-washing procedure?

It’s generally best to wash your hands with soap and water. Follow these simple steps:
  1. Wet your hands with running water.
  2. Apply liquid, bar or powder soap.
  3. Lather well.
  4. Rub your hands vigorously for at least 10 seconds sing “Row, row, row, your boat” once or the “ABCs”. Remember to scrub all surfaces, including the backs of your hands, wrists, between your fingers and under your fingernails.
  5. Rinse well.
  6. Dry your hands with a clean or disposable towel or air dryer.

If possible, use your towel to turn off the faucet.

Keep in mind that antibacterial soap is no more effective at killing germs than is regular soap. Using antibacterial soap may even lead to the development of bacteria that are resistant to the product’s antimicrobial agents — making it harder to kill these germs in the future.

Teachers and Children should not be allowed to touch the garbage/floor or play with toys between hand-washing and eating/feeding.

Always wash your hands before:

  • Preparing food
  • Eating
  • Treating wounds or giving medicine
  • Touching a sick or injured person
  • Inserting or removing contact lenses
  • Always wash your hands after:
  • Preparing food, especially raw meat or poultry
  • Using the toilet
  • Changing a diaper
  • Touching an animal or animal toys, leashes or waste
  • Blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing into your hands
  • Treating wounds
  • Touching a sick or injured person
  • Handling garbage or something that could be contaminated, such as a cleaning cloth or soiled shoes

Of course, it’s also important to wash your hands whenever they look dirty.

Do Teachers use gloves to change diapers? Are the teachers required to follow diaper-changing procedures?

Before and after changing a diaper, teachers will wear clean gloves and wash her hands. After changing a diaper, teachers will spray the changing table with a bleach water solution between each diaper change. When finishing with all diaper changing of that round, teachers will spray the sink and the faucet handle with a bleach water solution.

Do Teachers use bleach water to clean and sanitize tables?

Eating equipment and surfaces are clean and sanitized to avoid the spread of disease. Tables and highchair trays are washed with soap/water solution to remove gross soil, dried with a paper towel, and then sanitized with a bleach-water solution before being wiped with clean paper towels to dry (letting it sit for about 10 seconds so that the solution kills the germs) before and after being used for meals and snacks.
+ Parent Involvement

Can I observe my child while in the classroom?

The Discovery Tree Academy® has an open door policy program. Please feel free to visit your child at any time during regular business hours. If your child reacts unfavorably to your visit in the classroom, you may need to observe him/her through a window or perhaps reschedule your visit. We do ask that you limit your visit to no more than 20 minutes. You are always welcome to join your child for lunch.

With your approval, we also welcome other relatives or friends to visit the academy. For the safety of all children enrolled in our academy, visitors must provide current photo identification and sign in on our visitor sign in and out log located in our front lobby.

Do the teachers communicate verbally and or in writing on a regular basis?

We encourage daily communication between teachers and you. Also, please feel free to talk to the Director about your child. You will receive daily sheets sharing information about your child’s day. Also, a daily folder will hold works that your child has done for the day as well as important forms of communication from teachers and from the Director. Please ensure that you use this folder as a form of communication and return the folder daily to school ( preschool / childcare ) with your child.

Families are the most important people in a child’s life. You know your child better than anyone, so, therefore, we depend on you to help us get to know your child.

There are a large variety of community resources that are available in the community to support the needs of families whose children have disabilities, behavior challenges, or other special needs. The Director will assist you with any of these types of services.

We encourage scheduled conferences or meetings between you and your child’s teacher at least twice a year and whenever you have questions or concerns regarding your child. This will allow you to discuss your child’s interests, progress and any other questions you may have. We hope you will take advantage of these opportunities.

In the event that a dispute arises, we encourage you to attempt to resolve such matters in good faith directly with the Director.

Are school ( preschool / childcare ) events and reminder notices available?

You will be provided with a monthly newsletter with important information such as upcoming events, as well as special celebrations, activities you can do at home with your child, and curriculum information. The newsletter will also provide you with new children and teachers coming aboard. You will also notice signs, reminder notes, and flyers about special events throughout the academy.

What type of issues would grant my child dis-enrollment from the program?

The Director may make the decision to discontinue a child’s attendance at the academy for the following: non-payment or more than one late payment of tuition, violation of Ivy league Academy policies and procedures, disruptive and or dangerous behavior, physical and or verbal abuse of children, staff or property by a parent or child, the academy’s inability to meet the child’s needs, and if a child has special needs which we cannot meet with our current staffing patterns.

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